Tamil Nadu has one of the best literacy ratios. The state has 80.33% literacy ratio as per 2011 Census. So you can guess how well organized are its governing bodies and its education systems. TNDTE focuses on the diploma level technical educations of the state. TNDTE came into effect on 14th October 1957 in the state. It has several numbers of Government polytechnics, Government aided polytechnics, and self-financed polytechnics. Its motto is to make better staffs and infrastructure of the institutes. With that, it also aims to improve the quality of education in technical fields at diploma level.
As usual, TNDTE conducts all even semester exams in April/May. On this duration, it conducts semester exams for 1st year to final year. The university conducts odd semester in October/November. Soon after the exam, the TNDTE declares the results within a month. So you should get prepared according to the schedule for the semester exams. You can download the exam time table from the website. You can even get the academic schedule from the website.
TNDTE has conducted the semester exams in April last week. The exam has come to an end in May 1st week. Earlier, the students were expecting the result on 31st May. But it got delayed due to some issues. But, candidates can check their results shortly. The TNDTE has published the semester results on the website. So, you need not visit other websites for the result. Students can get their result on the TNDTE’s website only.
A huge numbers of students have enrolled in the even semester. This year the TNDTE has conducted the semester exams at the right time. But, students are still waiting for their results. The board is in a process to publish the result. Also, the authorities have declared to publish the even semesters’ result very soon. So we are requesting you to visit the TNDTE’s website to get the results.
Tamilnadu Diploma Results | |
Exam Board | TNDTE / DOTE |
Exam | Tamilnau Diploma Exam |
Semster Details | 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th |
Category | Diploma Result |
Official Result Website | www.tndte.gov.in |
Result Date | 4th June |
TNDTE Semester Exam
Last year TNDTE had published the semester result on May last week. But in this year there is a little delay. The candidates who had appeared in the semester, they can see the result on the TNDTE’s website. As per the university, it will publish the result very soon. Many students have appeared in the second, fourth, and sixth semester in April 2018. The students can visit the website for the result. The TNDTE will give notification before publishing the result. So you can stay in tune with the TNDTE’s website.
The candidates are waiting for a long time for the result. The wait is going to end very soon. The TNDTE will publish second, fourth, and sixth-semester regular result very soon. And it will publish the first, third, and fifth-semester supplementary results shortly. The university has conducted the exam in many centers in the state. The paper evaluations are about to end. Soon after it, the board will publish the result.
Many candidates have appeared for the second, fourth and sixth semester. They can expect the result very soon. Generally, every year the results are available in May. But, this year there is a little delay. The candidates who have appeared the semester exam, they can see their tndte result on the website soon.
Candidates can download the result very soon from the TNDTE’s website. The result will be available by semester wise on dates. You can see the result as per your name on the website. Candidates can fill the required details and download their result from the website. After the exam paper evaluation, the TNDTE will publish the result on its website.
TNDTE Even Semester Exams
The TNDTE has organized the even semester in April 2018. The paper evaluation is under process. As per the university’s norms, the sixth-semester result will be available first. And then, the fourth semester and the second-semester results will be available at last. All semester results will be available by the end of June 2018. The candidates should visit the TNDTE’s website for the result
Here we have given some easy steps to download the results. Those who are seeking for their result can follow the given easy steps. The result will be available very soon on the website. Candidates should keep in ready of their roll numbers and the registration numbers. These fields are mandatory to view the result.
Steps to download the TNDTE Result 2018
- First of all visit the website of TNDTE, www.intradote.tn.nic.in.
- Then you will get the home page of the website.
- After that search for TN Diploma Results in 2018 and click on that link.
- Then you can see a new web page where you need to fill the required details.
- Fill the hall ticket number and other required details as per the instruction.
- After that click on the submit button and get the result on display screen.
- At last, download the result in PDF file and take a print out for any future reference.
Those students who did not get satisfied with their result, they can go for the paper revaluation. The TNDTE has released the notification for the revaluation result 2018 on 4th June 2018. Those who have failed or have secured lower marks in a particular subject, they can apply for it.
The interested candidates need to pay required fees and fill up the application form. The revaluation form is available on the website. For more updates and notification, candidates can visit the TNDTE’s website.
The TNDTE has conducted the second, fourth and sixth semester in May first week. The results of these respective semesters are available on the website. But some candidates are not happy with their semester result. Still, they have the chance to improve their marks without giving the exam again.
TNDTE Revaluation Result
Those who have any doubt on their result, they can go for revaluation application form on the website. Candidates need to pay the required application fee by online mode only.
Candidates have to pay Rs.100 to have the scanned copy of answer books. But they need to pay Rs.400 for applying the revaluation per paper. Candidates should apply for the revaluation on or before the last date. Candidates can visit the TNDTE’s website for any required updates on Revaluation result.
The Candidates can check the revaluation result very soon. The TNDTE is going to publish the result shortly. You can get the revaluation result on the website. For this the candidates have to fill the application form with fees.
Here, we have given some easy steps to download the revaluation result. You can follow these steps to get the result easily. The result will be available on the TNDTE’s website only. Visit the website to get the result soon.
Steps to check the TNDTE revaluation result
- First of all, open the official website of TNDTE on your web browser.
- Then search and click on the TNDTE Diploma examination link.
- After that, search for the Revaluation result link and click on that.
- Then fill the form with the required details and check thoroughly.
- Now click on the submit button and get the result on your display.
- Download the result in PDF file and take the print out of it.