For DElEd program, it is important to submit the assignment. The assignment is an integral part of the course. No candidates will receive the diploma until he/she does not submit the assignment. So, it is mandatory to submit it within deadlines. NIOS DElEd assignment is present on the official website. Hence, candidates need to download it. Start answering them. Start writing DElEd 506 507 508 509 and 510. Solve it. Here some guidelines are available to do the assignment answers.
DElEd II Year Assignment Answer
The candidates must answer the question in a proper manner. Understand the question very properly. Do not hurry to answer it. Read it and try to understand it. The best way is reading the questions with peace of mind.
Study Material
In fact, help from study material is also beneficial. It will make the content of answers rich and informative. Study material will make you avoid ambiguities.
Short Answers
Writing the answers is not a hard task. Answers must be short and simple. They must be easily understandable. If any paragraph is not clear to you then make it understandable. Make this specific paragraph simple. Further, give examples during answering the questions. Use appropriate examples in the right place. It will catch the attention of examiner.
Word Limit
Always stick to the word limit. Do not need to make it verbose. Make it up to the point. Do not make it unnecessary lengthy. However, do not skip the essential information. So, if you are making the answer short, try to cover the essential information. Do not miss it. Proper illustrations must be included. So, simply putting the diagrams will help you with the word limit.
Write in your handwriting
It is a good idea to answer the questions in own handwriting. Avoid typed answers. It will help in getting good marks.