NIOS DElEd Assignment The National Institute of Open Schooling conducts the training of the in-service elementary teachers who are not trained. It is done by providing Diploma in Elementary Education. The open school is offering a diploma via open and distance education.
The elementary teacher education program is for upgrading the professional development. Through distance education mode, the skills and competencies are improved for making the teaching more effective at the elementary level. These skills are necessary for professionally certified teachers at the level of elementary school.
The main aim of NIOS DElEd is enabling the teachers for understanding and addressing the diversity for promoting child-centered processes in elementary schools.
NIOS has course-based assignments for DElEd program. These assignments are an integral part of the course. So, these assignments are compulsory for the candidates. All the registered candidates need to do this component. Further, these assignments must get submit to NIOS study center.
The assignments must be submitted on time. In fact, before the last date, it must be submitted. NIOS DElEd Assignment II year is available on the website. Interested candidates download it. Start doing it.
Structure of NIOS Assignment
In each course, there are three assignments. Two assignments are related to theory subject. One is related to a practical subject. Each course’s assignment will hold 30% weightage marks. So, 20% consist of theoretical assignment. Rest of 10% belongs to the practical related assignment. There is no option for not doing it. In total, there will be 27 assignments. To get the diploma, one must complete all these assignments.
From Where You Will Get NIOS DElEd Assignment
Candidates will get the same from the official website. The website of NIOS has DElEd related assignment. So, the candidate must receive the assignments. NIOS also send the study material along with assignment via study center. If not received, NIOS is not responsible. Check the official link below to download it.
How To Download NIOS D. El. Ed. Assignments
The candidates will download it online. So, they need to go online. IT is very simple to download the assignments. Following some steps will help them in downloading. So, follow these steps.
- Visit the official website. Click on
- A page will open.
- This page has assignment related information. The same assignment is also on Swayam Portal.
- Now, on this page assignment is available.
- This has an option as Assignment of II Year (506-510) (1342 KB).
- Click on it.
- Navigate to another page. This page is in PDF format.
- It has all the assignments.
You can directly click on It is the direct link for downloading assignment.
How To Prepare DElEd NIOS Assignments
It is compulsory for the candidates to do the assignments. Otherwise, they will not have a diploma. So, do it properly. Firstly, read the questions carefully. Read it twice. So, before answering, read them properly. Hence, you will get the idea of main aim of these questions. As a result, you will the idea of writing the answer. Wrong understanding will take you to the wrong path.
Answers must be systematic. It should be concise. Answers should be appropriate. These answers are relevant to questions. DElEd assignment course 506, 507, 508, 509 and 510 must be submitted. These are available in PDF format. These are
- Course-506: Understanding children in inclusive context
- Course-507: Community& Elementary Education
- Course-508: Learning in Art, Health & Physical and Work Education at Elementary Level
- Course-509: Learning Social Science at Upper Primary Level
- Course-510: Learning Science at Upper Primary Level
For each question, there is word limit. So, an answer must not cross these words limits. Each answer must have this word limit. So, always stick with the limit. But it does not mean you have a restriction on expression. You are free to express the thoughts.
One must write the assignments with its own handwriting. When you are not eligible to write, send the typed response. In all aspects, the candidates must complete the assignment. It is advised to leave 3/2 ” margin on the left side of paper. In between each answer, there should be 4 blank lines. So, after each answer, one must leave four lines before proceeding with the next one.
If these points are not taken into mind, a student might have the poor result. One must use the foolscap size paper for writing the answers.
I Page Of DELEd Assignment
The first page of assignment must contain essential information. Without this information, the assignment will not get accepted. So, these details are important. Hence, one must mention these details on the assignment. However, these details must be present over the first page of assignment. It is as follows.
- Study Centre
- Course Title
- Course Code
- Assignment Code
- Enrol No.
- Name
- Address
- Date
How To Send/Submit NIOS DElEd Assignments?
These steps will help you. Candidate must read the steps. It will ease the process of sending the assignment.
- Write the important details on the first page. These details must be present at the top right corner. It Includes enrollment number of candidate, name and date. Address of candidates should also be there.
- Write the assignment code in Capital Letters. Also write the course title code in capital one.
- do not use the left side of the page. Leave it blank. It is for office use.
- On ignoring these points, candidates will have the problem.
- Ignorance of these points will result in the re-submission of the same.
- Keep the copy of same with you.
Link mentioned above will take you directly on assignment page. So, do not wait for the last moment. Download it now. Hence, you will be able to submit it on time. Downloading at the right time will help in doing it. It will provide you a lot of time for rational thinking. Proper understanding of question will lead to a good answer.
Hence, download the assignments. NIOS has release the assignment officially. On the same page, you will get he sample papers too. These will help you in understanding the pattern. So, you will be able to get the good score in exam. Submit the assignment within deadline.