Download 2018 Uniraj Result Name Wise 1st 2nd 3rd Year Updates

Uniraj Result Name Wise University of Rajasthan briefly known as Uniraj. It is also known as RU. University of Rajasthan is also said as Rajasthan University. It was first start in 1947. At that time its name was Rajputana University. RU has ‘A’ NAAC certification. It is located in the city of Jaipur. It has both govt. aided and SFS seats. RU offers more than thirty courses. It offers U.G., P.G., Diploma and certificate courses. It also offers integrated courses in arts. Hon’ble Governor of Rajasthan is chancellor of University. Prof. R.K. Kothari is Vice-Chancellor of University.

All the students of Uniraj find this segment helpful. Although we are not affiliated to Uniraj. It’s our promise to provide accurate information about results. We will sort out every problem related to results. We will provide information like date and time of results. Our website will always notify you on time for results.

UNIRAJ BA Results 2018

Results are always important for a student. It shows the caliber of a student. It shows the knowledge you possess.  RU gives an idea where you have to work hard. It gives authentic proof of your knowledge. University of Rajasthan helps in reevaluating yourself. It also create tension in student’s mind sometimes. But you have to keep one thing in mind that “This is not your last result”. Student shouldn’t have to disappoint with just one bad result.

Uniraj result name wise

RU Uniraj Result 2018 Server
UNIRAJ BA Result Click Here
UNIRAJ BSC Result Click Here
UNIRAJ BED Result Click Here
UNIRAJ MA Result Click Here
UNIRAJ MSC Result Click Here
UNIRAJ MA Result Click Here
UNIRAJ MED Result Click Here

Uniraj Result Name Wise

Now we are providing you some easy steps to check your results. You can check it both name wise or roll no. wise. Here we are providing you steps to check it name wise:

  1. Browse this link
  2. This link will redirect you to official website of uniraj for results.
  3. Here from the left column select your type of result.
  4. Select one from main, revaluation and other results. Click on it.
  5. After this from right column select your course. Click on it.
  6. Now click on name wise to get the result name wise.
  7. Enter your name in the name section.
  8. Your name, father’s name and Enroll. No. will appear.
  9. Click on your name, your mark-sheet will appear.
  10. Next Click on “Print this page” to download your result.
  11. Click on Save to download it.

You can any other question related to Uniraj Result Name Wise in comment section. We will keep your valuable suggestions in our mind. So, wish you all the best for your results. Stay calm, Stay motivated.


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